Monday, 12 May 2008


Thought Experiment: “The supreme exemplars of the relaxed cheerfulness that
makes politicians popular were Reagan and Clinton (Bill)- and Blair, having sat
at the feet of Clinton, managed much the same trick...”

Havering on: (Reagan) said, “Surround yourself with the best people you can
find, delegate authority, and don't interfere ....” It’s the total antithesis of
what Gordon Brown is about and it’s why he can’t hack it.

Reagan couldn’t tell his elbow from his ass. He was a man-of-straw. Which left the Republican political establishment free to govern. An ideal arrangement. Clinton continued the magical tradition, raising Lazarus, enjoying fellatio in the Oval Office, and walking on water. Proving again that staying power is what a scoundrel is all about. Jimmy Carter was a hopeless idealist. He never got re-elected. Pulling off the impossible is something you don't do twice. Tony Blair was an overgrown school-boy, with natural aptitudes for a sex-change: easily led astray by a series of evil characters, unable to resist temptation, presumably, because he lacked human moral conviction; indeed a soul. But his real advantage over his rivals lay in his prodigious capacity for misdirection. The bigger the lie, the more self-righteous he was in defending it. So he married Cherie - (a woman who could only love what she possessed and controlled) - and got shafted by George W.

Oooops...that hurt! And then it felt so sweetly cute and devious...

In a world so mad that madness is the only response to it, Brown is the Honest George, incapable of adapting to an environment that is constitutionally preposterous. To acknowledge anything else would be to fatally undermine it. In reality, a loony bin. He came from somewhere much deeper and darker than Blair. But unlike Blair, he had no taste for conspiracy. He would proceed in silence, munificent and self-absorbed - a man apart. His was the most fatal of political conviction: that one will be rewarded in the next life for abstinence, hard work, and loyal devotion in this one. But the fact of the matter is nevertheless, that there is nothing more debilitating and draining than being a constant pain in the ass. And the great mass of the people have no morals but their own interest. This nation might have tolerated a German take-over in 1941, but they’ll never kiss the butt of a Scotsman....



Thomas the Wage Mule said...

'there is nothing more debilitating and draining than being a constant pain in the ass'

Profound, Miss Dreamy. Brown is a zealot but also a political animal. He believes in his own righteousness and the certainty that he can do well by all of us. His nose is also closer to the arsehole of contemporary politics. His clothes are thick with the stink of Westminster, which means he doesn’t catch the aroma of popular discontent in the way that Blair was bound to do.

In a different life he might have collected stamps or the numbers on railway carriages. One can't help but feel that he would have been much happier.

Anonymous said...

I always liked Reagan - he had a nice smile and he was married to a tiny woman who might have been from outer space - I forget. Brown is a peculiar fellow - I read somewhere that he has only ever had one sexual partner in his life. If this is true maybe you would be the one to help him out Selena? I am sure he would like a spot of fellatio in Downing street ...

Selena Dreamy said...

Fellatio is not a problem.

My rates are well known in Westminster (and my receipts always within the limits of the expense account...)


All Shook Up said...

Blair mostly pandered to the British public. Brown's conceit is that he can lead. But we're not willing to be led anywhere.. we've been so spoiled by materialism, we're becoming ungovernable.

Richard Havers said...

Never, ever trust people who say, "trust me" and if politicians keep going on about being fair you can bet they're not going to be.