Is the Universe intelligent?
Intelligence is a form of free energy, inseparable from it. It is the
constant of integration in all conceivable equations. And yet, the mathematical
equation has superseded the mental experience. One of the greatest difficulties
in the whole problem, therefore, is to arrive at some kind of objective measure
of intelligence as a means of conceptual communication. As noted in my
previous post, we measure quantity by ratio and length by comparison.
Suppose, therefore, we make a start with a relation hypothetical enough in its
application but also very concrete - the relation between matter and antimatter.
The antithesis of matter and antimatter is an essential foundation of
human thought, determining opposite attitudes towards every epistemological
problem. It has none of the polarities of black and white, or positive and
negative. The anti-particle of the electron, for example, is known as the
positron, both of which we must regard as mathematical equivalent to one
another. But when isolating two permanent and opposed kinds of conceptual
intelligence in their purest and most fundamental expression, we need hardly
point out that they are incapable of synthesis.
Antimatter is the most complete antithesis to matter. Which is
equivalent to saying that when the two substances meet, they mutually destroy
each other, leaving nothing but a great deal of energy. It is fair to say,
however, that this is true only in a certain limited sense since the physical
evidence for the existence of contra-terrene material in the universe is not a
matter of fact, but, essentially, of inference of results based upon logical necessity. The necessity of sameness as a basis for
discrimination may seem paradoxical, but anti-matter is the mirror of the
universal structure we know.
In reflecting it, it reverses it - unchanged.
The problem thus resolves itself into one of intellectual distinction. For such is the nature and
constitution of all anti-material atomic nuclei that they consist of negatively
charged protons, as opposed to the positively charged protons of ordinary
matter, and are surrounded by shells of positrons, as opposed to electrons. The
conflict between these two is the clash of identity not of contrariety - the
result of a fundamental contention between two forms of opposites which are
mutually exclusive. Or, to put the matter categorically, they set up an intellectual reaction determined by the difficulty of distinguishing between two synonymous and interchangeable sets of relations.
In fact, if it is not imputing too much imagination to the new and as
yet unaccepted criterion of intellectual necessity, there would
be no logical alternative to the mutual exclusion of opposites entirely lacking
in any specific statement as to their separate identity, so that the one differs
from the other solely in the properties of the mirror image itself.
Matter and antimatter are paradoxes to be resolved. The former is
essentially substantial, dynamic, literal, and owes its existence to the
principle of contrast, as in the physicist's reference to positive and negative,
whereas the latter is essentially virtual or hypothetical. It is the mirror
image of thought itself. The two can never stand side by side, for they exist
respectively as element and expression of mutually exclusive dimensions. They
cancel each other out.
They are in truth indistinguishable.
To solve the problem is to resolve the conflict created by a contradiction
of terms: identical opposites. And since the human mind cannot
grasp multi-dimensional space-time directly, this ubiquity of the paradoxical is
resolved ultimately by leaving the continuum for virtual reality. In fact, the
degree and scope of this synthesis is inconceivable without the very principle
that the language of speculative enquiry ought to be distinguished from the
language of the mind...
...gosh - and to think I might have
joined the Marines!
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Posted by
Selena Dreamy
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Labels: identical opposites, intellectual distinction, logical necessity, matter and antimatter
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Perhaps I should have said informed. Truly informed...yes, that's it.
Informed, perhaps, Helen - but certainly premeditated!
"And yet, the mathematical
equation has superseded the mental experience."
Speak for yourself, my dear. Mathematical formulas and I have not enjoyed one another's company since I was 15. Do I, then, not have mental experiences?
But I know what you speak of the numerical Matrix and its hold over formal societal consciousness in general, I presume.
You certainly like the scientific idiom I note. That was not a criticism!
A problem I’ve always had with it is that a lot of what it talks about cannot be seen without a microscope or outside of a laboratory. In other words it is at a remove from normal lived experience. There is a kind of 'take it on trust' element to science (unless you enter our world of thought and observation) that to me made it oddly share that very inaccessibility that more customarily is considered to attach to metaphysics.
I felt the same way about economics. Like science, it seemed to me far more abstract than spirituality and philosophy, which seemed to me, oddly enough, always more concrete and immediate...and yet others saw things the other way round. Who can think or feel economics or science in the authenticity of their own subjective inscape, I wondered, you see? Those were not arguments science or economics by the way. I'm just putting the other side.
Weird world, guess it takes all sorts.
I think I need to understand the concept of anti-matter some more.
Can anti-matter be seen..even with a microscope? Doesn't the notion of anti-matter presume that matter in itself has a definite nature. How to we know it has such a nature?
"And since the human mind cannot
grasp multi-dimensional space-time directly,"
For now maybe, but what about if there is a transformation in normal human consciousness? Such mysticism promises. Blake for example.
I wanted to be a Para for about 6 months when I was 11 because of the TV series, but then I stopped.
Why is the idea of sexy women in the army (or marines) somewhat appealing do you suppose (or am I being too subjective?:).
I believe the universe to be conscious, yes.
If we are intelligent, and our thought processes are essentially EM imulses a few years old, I think it makes sense to assume the whole universe is one conscious, intelligent structure.
what did you earn your stripes for Selena? You can invade me anytime,a marine with a minge is always useful.
Those stripes, Percy?
For keeping my legs together, of course (still, I think it’s way overrated)!
“I think it makes sense to assume the whole universe is one conscious, intelligent structure.”
I doubt it, Crushed, if by that you mean “self“-conscious- though it would certainly seem to have engineered its own awareness - through us!
“A problem I’ve always had with it is that a lot of what it talks about cannot be seen...”
Same here, Jonathan.
Nonetheless, math is the only complete and indispensable form of knowledge!
Nice photograph - is it a good likeness?
Reading your stuff, Dreamy, I'm almost always conscious that you're in a realm of knowledge beyond my norm. But, finger following the words line by line.. I accept and follow the facts as you give them and test your logic against my own understanding so that, in the end, I can't fault your conclusions...
Not for the first time, I think, you finish with an problem. This time, it's "In fact, the
degree and scope of this synthesis is inconceivable without the very principle that the language of speculative enquiry ought to be distinguished from the
language of the mind..." "Ought to be"? Yes, OK. Do you think it can or will be? Are we in an eternal conundrum here... that any new way of thinking will be developed by our existing minds - which pretty much rules out the new way being new?
Can anti-matter be seen..even with a microscope?
LHC = Large Hadron Collider, the new particle accelerator built at CERN, Switzerland, to probe the origin of the universe has the potential to produce antimatter experimentally, but little is found in nature.
“For now maybe, but what about if there is a transformation in normal human consciousness?”
Absolutely! It’s called death...
My knowledge, ASU, is minimal - I’m not a physicist (needless to say). It’s all a matter of ratiocination (as E.A.Poe would have referred to it). But if I finish with a problem, then that is always intentional...
“Ought to be!” - absolutely! ASU - think about it.
For if logical necessity precedes and conditions thought, it is not perhaps surprising to find that reality should be seen to assimilate. Hence it is essential to the proper appreciation of logical necessity to realize that the inherent distinction is not in the thing but in the thought, i.e. not in the language of speculative enquiry but in the language of the mind..."
"though it would certainly seem to have engineered its own awareness - through us!"
Why oh why are you so anthropocentric, Selena?
Why do you think we matter so much, and have such powers amd centrality? Actually, paradoxically, I don't deny that we do..but in a different sense: only when we are alive to our higher cosnciousness, which in a very real way actually stops us being us, because of how it transforms us by forces outside of us, and superior to our 'fallen' state. None of that can be proved to a scientists lense, you understand. Science decides in advance what it is willing to see, so it seems to me.
'math is the only complete and indispensable form of knowledge!'
Your lack of an 's' on maths is an Americanism. Are you American? (you don't have to answer that:))
How Pythagorean of you! My issue is that, ultimately, all is one, which sort of puts the whole status of number in a highly qualified light, if you see what I mean?
Anyway, I take it that your heart inclines more naturally to the humanities then...?
..and finally, love matters more than knoweldge..knowledge changes and passes away. Love endures. Gosh, how Pauline I'm being.
'Nice photograph - is it a good likeness?'
Well, it's me if that's what you mean. I'm a bit fatter these days (too hot to exercise in Kuwait is my pathetic excuse). It was taken on a train near Vienna two years ago. I need a hair cut too (I mean now I need one, not then).
"“For now maybe, but what about if there is a transformation in normal human consciousness?”
Absolutely! It’s called death..."
Well, a certain kind of 'death' achieved in life, the sloughing off of the distorting ego, is always involved in consciousness expansion/ in that sense I agree.
(isn't it weird the way expressions of affection are not supposed to belong to the 'intellectual arena'. I sense that Gurdjieff would have much to say about that..regarding existential fragmentations and disassociations of sensibility, etc).
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