Tuesday, 4 July 2017

INDEPENDENCE DAY - The Battle for the Soul of America

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum: If you wish to report intrusiveness, defamation or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

            “Americans!” he said, with what appeared to me an overwhelming contempt. They were  born with the American dream and ended up with a Zimmer-frame.  Having attained all but the highest level of humanitarian ethics, he said, the West now partook of  the highest form that can possibly be conceived of human tragedy decline and death. Its traditional  grip on power was under threat. The Caucasian Millennium was all but over - and the planets were still off limits. Caucasians were on the verge of becoming a minority among the Philistines. They had no dreams left to dream. A fading Promethean race, taking leave from those mighty Faustian premonitions of a purpose greater than themselves. And that fact was  proof of their tragic truth.
           Kennedy was the last president who attempted to lead a Western power further on the road to history, promising ‘the New Frontier’. By the time of Barack Obama there was only an American socialism to be defended - a mandate for welfare and social security, but no longer one for history. Self-made men were no match for a rainbow nation, where the takers outnumbered the givers. They were hated  with a passion. This was the passion under which the ratification of same-sex nuptials had become of the greatest cosmopolitan urgency and you began to wonder what strain of the newly legalised marijuana had turned these remnants of western history and replaced moral philosophy and the humanities with moralization and social sophistry. The  remnants of a late world, not the vanguard of a future one, they demonstrated its advancement by subordinating western culture to the sensitivities of the lowest common denominator.
            And so, with the extinction of Caucasian history, Western history became social
history. Once stoical, taciturn and tough as hide, the country that gave the world the American dream had come a long way from when her forces stormed the British fort at Ticonderoga. Their defining moment was Gettysburg. Midway and Normandy the last great battles fought for an ideal. This was a different people now, and a demography wholly
unsympathetic to the self-reliant ways of its founding fathers. The historical model of self-made wealth being secured by hard graft and sacrifice scarcely matched the contemporary reality. If the emancipated slaves had learned anything from the involvement with their former masters, it was dependency. Dependency, and the ghetto population’s implicitly delinquent struggle with the petty tyranny of law enforcement – the all too familiar transition from complicit self-sustaining networks of low-level criminality to the tragic status of the eternally discriminated against.  A forlorn endeavour, you might say,  to salvage the moral high ground from the newsreels[1] of its more lurid personalities and preoccupations.  

         Amorphous and dispirited masses of men, scrap-material from a prodigious history, the traditional American virtues and aspirations to moral greatness no longer inspired the large majority of those whose constant preoccupation it was to be  released from any need to carve out their own destiny. O’Brien was grave and self-possessed. If a consistent theme sustaining the bedrock of American nationhood was its Caucasian heritage, he said, and I knew he was speaking with the past-tense of hindsight, America’s identity as a Western nation had effectively ceased to exist.
          It would be difficult to imagine a more inflammatory speech. He looked  me over as if beholding a specimen of degenerate will and perverted motivation. Perhaps he thought of me that way - of the huge gulf that separated God-fearing Americans, or what you might call traditionalist American culture, from the largest emerging demographic group. A racially and ethnically diverse generation of people from Asia and the Latin Americas rising rapidly to demographic ascendancy. Nor is it the least of the domestic ironies of the demographic invasion, that new Americans have  lost the faculty of speaking English. Indeed, as semantic shifts go, they do not come much bigger. Few white Americans speak Spanish, which further marginalises them in a land of massively expanding minorities that demand 
 recognition not just of their rights as ethnic individuals but also of their privileges as Americans. Attributes once  celebrated – national pride, self-assurance, determination, the genius and aptitude of a nation to lead the world  – are profoundly unfashionable subjects. For many in the US, being ‘white’  has become a dirty word.  One cannot imagine a more different, indeed, more countercultural America. The more ‘politically correct’  the cause, the more powerful its entitlements. A first-hand sense that the marginalised are incontestably wronged and that people who are mainstream, established, or white are not so much tarnished, as irredeemably evil.[2]

[1] “Violence in [America] is soaring to levels not seen for almost two decades as the police retreat from the streets for fear of being accused of unfairly targeting young black and Hispanic men.” Iain Dey, Shootings Soar. The Sunday Times, 03.04.16
[2] Or take the case of Rachel Dolezal, 32, a civil rights campaigner, who denied her white ethnicity in order to fake a black one.
 Malleus Maleficus is an advocate of English liberal democracy, and the  anonymous author of an historiographic apology of the British Empire.

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