Tuesday, 27 December 2016


The following is  a  topic currently featured in the 21st  revised edition of V.H. Ironside, Behold! I Teach You Superman (see below):

Monday, 12 December 2016

Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko

The following is the unedited version of an abstract currently featured in the 20th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld]. If you wish to report intrusiveness, defamation or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

They shoot horses, don’t they?

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 31st revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report defamation or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Saturday, 3 December 2016

THE ENLIGHTENED ONES - Jim Al-Khalili & Prof Brian Cox

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 28th  revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum. Ensuring  that the party concerned has a reputation that can be tested is an important part of any satirical undertaking. If you wish to report libel, extremism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .    

Monday, 14 November 2016

"Credible and True" or "Absurd and Untrue" ?

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 20th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld]. If you wish to report intrusiveness, defamation or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Thursday, 27 October 2016

“Esse est percipi” or Posthumous Reflections on the Higgs Plenary Meeting

The following is the edited version of an exposé currently featured in the 21st revised edition of Malleus Maleficus' (Title withheld). The Butterworth contents have been taken more or less verbatim from the BBC Horizon transmission: "The Hunt for the Higgs", of January 9th, 2012. 

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Perfidious Albion or Till Death Us Do Part

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus,  The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report intrusiveness, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Saturday, 1 October 2016

The Tale of the Pregnant Male

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report homophobia, sexism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The LUCK FACTOR or Giving Birth to a Baby !

The following is the unedited version of an abstraction currently featured in the 20th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum

Sunday, 25 September 2016

“Never was so much effort required to deal with someone so useless.”

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum . If you wish to report  racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

The God Delusion - The Case for the Devil !

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 30th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report l, defamation or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Sunday, 28 August 2016

On the Nature & Essence of a Ufo's 'Quantum State'

The following is part of an exclusive featuring  the Powys abduction phenomenon that first came to public attention with The EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting, in Nantes, France. A detailed study of the event can be found in Chapter 12 (Total Recall) of Malleus Maleficus'  [Title withheld ].

Monday, 8 August 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 29th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus  The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report libel or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Monday, 1 August 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 20th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld]. If you wish to report intrusiveness, prejudice or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus,  The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report  racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk

Sunday, 17 July 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 31st revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report  extremism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

The Defender of Faiths..."Have you come far?"

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 27th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report libel, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Thursday, 7 July 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus,  The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report libel or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Friday, 1 July 2016

DEATHWISH or The Tribute that Power pays to Reason

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report intrusiveness, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk

Monday, 27 June 2016

No, Meryl Streep, We Are Not “All Africans.”

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

AFRICA - “Never was so much effort required to deal with someone so useless.”

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus  The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

FACEBOOK - A Monster in the Making!

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report slander or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Thursday, 16 June 2016

MARK ZUCKERBERG - The Illuminatus?

“Then it faced something not foreseen, the overwhelming power of a single human being, a Mutant. The creature known as the Illuminatus was born with the ability to mould men’s emotions and to shape their minds. His bitterest opponents were made into his devoted servants. Armies could not, would not fight him. Before him the First Foundation fell and Seldon’s schemes lay in ruins.”

Isaac Asimov, Second Foundation

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Santo subito !

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 27th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report intrusiveness, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Monday, 13 June 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report intrusiveness or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Saturday, 4 June 2016

TIM HUNT: "Let me tell you about my trouble with girls..."

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 21st revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld]. Ensuring  that the party concerned has a reputation that can be tested is an important part of any satirical undertaking. If you wish to report intrusiveness, extremism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .    

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

NUCLEAR PROSPERITY or Wind-and-Water Economy?

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 20th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld] : If you wish to report  inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

APPLE - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report libel or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Monday, 30 May 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 33rd revised edition of Malleus Maleficus  The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report sexism, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

When they come in their jackboots and kick in your minds...

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report intrusiveness, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk . 

Friday, 20 May 2016

COUNTER-COLONIZATION - From Hubris to Humility

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 20th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld] *** (see below): If you wish to report intrusiveness, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 25th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld].  If you wish to report defamation or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Saturday, 14 May 2016

In the beginning was the THEORY OF EVERYTHING...

The following is the unedited version of an abstraction currently featured in the 28th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum    

Friday, 13 May 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 29th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report libel, defamation or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Sunday, 8 May 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 19th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld] *** (see below): If you wish to report intrusiveness, prejudice or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

We now have two species of men - HUMANS & MUTANTS !

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report intrusiveness or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Sunday, 24 April 2016

"Klaatu barada nikto!"

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 25th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld]. If you wish to report intrusiveness or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Friday, 22 April 2016

THE FERMI PARADOX or The Universe is not Euclidean!

The following is the edited version of an abstract currently featured in the 20th revised edition of  Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

THE GUARDIAN - A Crisis of Masculinity !

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 20th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld]. If you wish to report intrusiveness, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Daddy loves to hatefuck me...!

CONTENT WARNING: The following is the edited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report intrusiveness, sexism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com . To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk . 

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

RACISM - A PC-sponsored Global Industry !

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 20th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus'  [title withheld]. If you wish to report intrusiveness, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Thursday, 31 March 2016

GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG - A Warning from History!

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report extremism, racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Monday, 28 March 2016


The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 27th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

BREXIT - Survival is Victory !

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report slander or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .  

Friday, 18 March 2016

...a Statue to Oliver Letwin

The following is the unedited version of an exposé currently featured in the 34th revised edition of Malleus Maleficus, The Moonshine Memorandum. If you wish to report racism or inaccuracies, please email MalleusMaleficus@aol.com  To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please contact IPSO directly at ipso.co.uk .